Who we help:
We help families whose children may have, or are suspected of having a disability, this may include one or more of the following:
Developmental Disability
Autism, Down Syndrome, Intellectual Disability, Speech and Language Delays
Medical/Health Issue
Cerebral Palsy, Asthma, Diabetes, Premature birth
Behavioral Need
ADD/ADHD, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Sensory Processing Disorder, Depression, Anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Bipolar Disorder
Learning Disability
Dyslexia, Auditory Processing Disorder, Non Verbal Language Processing Disorder
Physical Impairment
Spina Bifida, Visual Impairments, Blindness, Deafness
We operate these programs:
Early Intervention
For parents of children ages birth to three years, who have been diagnosed with, or are at risk for developing a disability or healthcare need.
- Ages and Stages Developmental Screening (for children 0-5)
- Referral and coordination for Developmental Assessments
- In-home visits
- Parent/infant play groups
- Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) assistance
- Transition to preschool planning
- Triple P ® - individual Positive Parenting Problem sessions
Behavioral Health Services
For parents of children with challenging behaviors or involved in the Juvenile Justice System.
- Referrals for services
- Assistance with support plans in school
- Triple P ® Parenting Classes, for parents of newborns to age 12
- Assistance with suspension or expulsions when a disability is suspected
Healthcare Navigation Services
For parents of children and youth ages 0-22 with disabilities, significant medical or healthcare needs.
- Healthcare application assistance
- Assistance with navigating California Children's Services/Medical Therapy Unit, Medi-Cal, Healthy Families, Kaiser and other health insurance plans
- Assistance communicating with your child's medical team
- Health literacy classes
- Help organizing your child's medical information
- Parent Peer Support Groups
Family Stability Project
For families of children with special needs who feel isolated or are struggling to make ends meet.
- Referrals to local safety net services, including housing, food and transportation
- Public Benefits application assistance
- Parent to Parent matches
- Disability Specific Peer Support Groups
- Individualized research and information regarding a particular disability or condition
Parent Leadership Training
For parents who want to give back, engage with the community and create change.
- Parent-to-Parent mentor
- Parent-to-Ambassador training
- Changing the Future: Leadership Training
- Volunteer opportunities
Mental Health Services
For parents of children and youth 3-18 with emotional and mental health challenges.
- Referrals to Mental Health services
- Family support in wraparound services
- Assistance with school-based Behavioral Support Plans
- Parent Peer Support Groups
Education Services
- For parents of children ages 3-22 with learning challenges and education/special education needs.
- Assistance with requesting Special Education assessments
- Individual Education Plan (IEP) planning
- Special education workshops
- IEP preparation clinics
- Assistance with 504 Plans/Student Study Teams
- Assistance communicating with your child's Education Team
Transition to Adult Life
For parents of youths ages 16 and older, preparing for their child's life as an adult.
- Individual Transition Planning consultations and meeting preparation
- Workshops on transition issues
- Referrals to transition programs and services