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Our Approach

Other Evidence Based Tools

While the majority of our services are researched informed, several of the tools we employ are evidence based.

The Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) is a tool used as part of our Universal Screening Initiative. The ASQ is used to screen and assess the developmental performance of children, from the age of 1 month to 66 months, in the areas of communication, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, problem solving, and personal-social skills. It is used to identify children that would benefit from in-depth evaluation for developmental delays. The age-appropriate questionnaire is completed by the parent or caregiver. The questionnaire is then scored and reviewed by a trained staff member. If the screening reveals areas of concern, then our Advocate will work with the parents as appropriate to rescreen in a few months or refer for professional evaluation. This tool has received the Measurement Tools Rating of "A – Psychometrics Well-Demonstrated" based on the published, peer-reviewed research available. It can be located here.

We most recently have engaged in The Triple P--Positive Parenting Program. This is a multilevel system or suite of parenting and family support strategies for families with children from birth to age 12, with extensions to families with teenagers ages 13 to 16. Developed for use with families from many cultural groups, its goals are to increase family protective factors and reduce risk factors for children's behavioral and emotional problems. The program works to increase the knowledge, skills, confidence, and self-sufficiency of parents, promote nurturing and nonviolent solutions to addressing children's behavior, and promote children's social, emotional, and behavioral competencies through positive parenting. Triple P has five intervention levels of increasing intensity to meet each family's specific needs. A variation of some Triple P levels are available for parents of children with developmental disabilities. To learn more about Triple P click here.