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Kids smiling and yelling
Kids smiling and yelling

Who We Are

Mission, Vision & Values

Our Mission

Dad carrying smiling daughter
Dad carrying smiling daughter

Every child's journey is different. We partner with and guide parents when challenges arise in their child's education, health, behavior or development, so children can reach their full potential.

Our Vision

A community where every individual is accepted and valued.

Our Purpose

Through our experiences and training, we provide hope and guidance for families of children with disabilities, regardless of the degree or severity of the disability.


ParentsCAN believes its mission is most effectively fulfilled through a commitment to inclusiveness as a core value and practice. A diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace is one where all employees and volunteers, whatever their gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion, sexual orientation or identity, education, or disability, feel valued and respected. We are committed to a nondiscriminatory approach and providing equal opportunity for employment and advancement in all programs. We respect and value diverse life experiences and heritages and ensure that all voices are valued and heard. We are committed to modeling diversity and inclusion and to maintaining an inclusive environment with equitable treatment for all.


The people who work at ParentsCAN are not just disability advocates by profession—everyone on our team has a personal stake in the disability community as a parent, sibling, spouse, or otherwise.
ParentsCAN strives to make our website as accessible as possible. This is an ongoing process on an active site such ours.  If anyone has difficulty accessing our website information and resources, we encourage you to reach out to us directly so that we can improve our efforts to accommodate our audience. 

Privacy of Information

Our organization takes privacy seriously and we work to protect and ensure the safety of our supporters. We do not sell or otherwise disclose information about our volunteers or supporters outside of our immediate organization. This policy has no exceptions. We do not sell or exchange your information with any other organizations, public, private or nonprofit.