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How We Help

Fun Stuff for Kids!

For some concise information about Teaching Children about Disabilities and Inclusion visit the Baylor University website

Learn with Smithsonian

Animal cams — Including baby cheetahs!!

Virtual Field Trips

Virtual Field Trips Includes virtual outings to zoos, museums, aquariums and some wonderful, additional resources!

Fun Resources for Families and Kids with Special Needs

Dear families...we hope you are all healthy and staying safe.  We wanted to share some fun activities (download) for you to do at home with your kids. The therapists at the MTU, NVUSD, the Assistive Technology Lending Library teachers and other families have added to this list and will keep adding to it in the coming weeks. Have you found something fun to do?  Please email the link to napamtu@gmail.com

Recursos para Familias y Niños con Discapacidades

Estimadas familias ... esperamos que todos estén sanos y se mantengan seguros. Queríamos compartir algunas actividades divertidas para hacer en casa con tus hijos. Los terapeutas del MTU, NVUSD (Distrito Escolar del Valle de Napa), los maestros de la Biblioteca de Préstamos de Tecnología Asistencial y otras familias han agregado a esta lista y seguirán añadiéndola en las próximas semanas. ¿Has encontrado algo divertido que hacer? Por favor envíe el enlace a napamtu@gmail.com

Tools for learning:

Link to educational worksheets from greatschools.org

Apps for Students With Special Needs. The coronavirus creates a unique challenge for students with special needs—educators share recommendations for apps to support learning at home. 

For up-to-date information from the Napa Valley Unified School District, including school calendar, meal programs and other assistance, please visit: https://www.nvusd.k12.ca.us/