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General Assistance

General Assistance

Apply for CalFresh emergency assistance. Emergency assistance applications are by phone appointment (707) 253-4511.  
Apply for CalWorks employment assistance. Emergency services by phone appointment (707) 253-4511. 
Meals on Wheels: If you are homebound and 60+ years old and need support accessing meals please call: (707) 253-6111. 
WIC supplemental food assistance for children ages 0-5, pregnant and postpartum women: (707) 253-4853 

County Healthcare Information: Medi-Cal is for low-income children and adults. There are different types and an eligibility worker at the County will be able to explain which program is best for a client’s situation.  
Main: (707) 253-4511 
Toll Free: (800) 464-4214 
TTY: (800) 877-8339  

Community Health Initiative (CHI): CHI’s offers health insurance enrollment and re-enrollment assistance as well as personal follow-up to assist you in accessing services through Medi-Cal, Medicare and Covered California. Contact CHI to schedule an appointment. Main: (707) 227-0830. 

COMPREHENSIVE SERVICES FOR OLDER ADULTS Information specifically for older adults: IHSS, Medi-Cal, CalFresh, Adult Protective Services, and Veterans Office, call (707) 253-3818. 

Emergency Financial Assistance offered through On the Move and Up Valley Family Centers: 

American Canyon, Napa, and Yountville: Call (707) 363-8390 or email efa@onthemovebayarea.org 
North Napa County (north of Yountville): Call (707) 965-5010 or email efa@upvalleyfamilycenters.org 
Season of Sharing (SOS) for individuals and families in crisis to pay for housing and emergency needs that cannot be met through other resources. Assistance includes rental/mortgage payment assistance, security deposit, medical equipment not covered by insurance, delinquent utilities, non-routine auto repairs (restrictions apply), and critical dental cost. (707) 299-1890. 

Family and Community Resource Centers: These centers can help with general questions about food access and provide range of family support services: Up Valley Family Centers (707) 965-5010, On the Move (707) 363-8390, ParentsCAN (707) 253-7444, Puertas Abiertas (707) 224-1786, Catholic Charities (707) 890-0211, Cope Family Center (707) 252-1123, NEWS (707) 252-3687 (Services to support victims of domestic & sexual abuse) 

Aldea Children & Family Services: (707) 253-0123 /  info@aldeainc.org: .  

Exodus Recovery Crisis Stabilization Services offers mental health crisis services. Open 24/7 crisis line: (707) 253-4711.  

LGBTQ Connection offers LGBTQ-friendly, free, drop-in counseling by phone appointment Main: (707) 251-9432.  Direct texting/mobile number: (707) 948-6640.

Mentis: Napa’s Center offers affordable mental health care to individuals of most ages in English and Spanish. (707) 255-0966 / info@mentisnapa.org.  

Napa County Mental Health offers mental health assessments and referrals to a variety of other mental health services. Napa County 
Mental Health is currently operating a warm line support service (Monday through Friday 8 a.m. -5 p.m.) for individuals of all ages who are experiencing anxiety, stress, worry, depression, etc. related to COVID-19. Call (707) 259-8151 or (800) 648-8650.  

Child Welfare Emergency Line. Call (707) 253-4261 or Toll Free at (800) 464-4216(After Hours) to report cases of child abuse or neglect. 

Adult Protective Services call (toll free) (888) 619-6913 if you suspect that an elder or dependent adult is being physically abused, neglected, or financially exploited 

Jameson Rescue Ranch: Provides support for food and animal care, especially for individuals who are homebound. Call (707) 927-3536.