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Caring for children with special needs — whether they have a developmental disorder like autism, a physical disability, a chronic medical condition or a combination of these — is demanding work. Without adequate support or rest, parents can end up feeling depleted and alone. Some, like Ruiz, develop physical or mental health problems. The solution, according to experts who work with families and parents who have faced these challenges themselves, is to reach out for help, connect with other families of children with disabilities, and prioritize self-care.

There are many ways you can say ‘thank you’ to the people in your life. Use these ideas both today and year round!

Although the weather is cooling down, that doesn’t mean volunteer opportunities are also cooling! Use this season to participate in activities made for the colder months.

ADHD is a condition in which an individual has both periods of inattention accompanied by hyperactivity. As a result, these individuals can struggle to achieve in multiple settings - at home, in school, etc. This can lead to depression, anxiety, and chronic stress that can be “self treated” with substances like opioids.

If you’re living with a health condition, you may constantly hear about the importance of “progress over perfection” — to the point where it may even feel cliché. But if you constantly worry that you’re not doing enough in life with your condition, compare yourself against your able-bodied friends, or strive for perfection in every area of your life, noticing and celebrating your progress can help you more fully accept yourself and your capabilities.

This September, remember to focus on you and your personal growth. Even small steps can add up to huge results over time. It all starts now!

When times are hard, it’s important to move forward and do what you can for others. Above all, open yourself up to listen and try to better understand the situation from your friend or loved one’s perspective.

Positivity is something you may not always possess, but there are ways to bring it into your life. Surround yourself with positive people, and remind yourself of the positive things in your life and the positive qualities you have.

If your child has been diagnosed with autism, you want to do everything in your power to ensure that they’re healthy and happy. Perhaps they don’t spend much time outdoors, and you want to encourage a greater appreciation of nature in a way that they can understand.